The Board of Elders is the chief executive body of the church, responsible for the spiritual life of the fellowship and the conduct of its business. All major decisions are made by the Elders with non-voting input from the congregation. In recent years, the Board of Elders has been comprised of approximately 12-16 men who serve three-year terms.
The government of the church, the planning and supervision of its work, the management and control of its property (real and personal), and spiritual discipline of the fellowship is vested in the Board of Elders. All ministries, agencies, committees, and other boards remain under the jurisdiction of the Board of Elders.
The elders are the men who open each Sunday worship service with announcements and lead us in prayer. Behind the scenes, they meet on the first Monday of each month to pray for the people of Faith Bible Church, and they meet on the third Monday of the month to discuss and pray over church matters. On any given day they are communicating with one another on matters of concern. Each of these men 'shepherd' 10-15 people or families of the church.
The Lead Teaching Pastor serves on the Board without term. All other Elders are appointed to a term of up to three years (may fulfill a partial term and also serve a full term) but may serve no more than five years continuously. Elders not on “active duty” but in good standing at FBC are eligible to serve as Advisory Council members. A former “active duty” elder may be considered for service again after one year off the Board. The Board actively works to encourage, train and recruit more elders. A guided study of Alexander Strauch’s book, Biblical Eldership, is key.
We believe that our Elder-led government is most faithful to the church governments described in the New Testament, and that it has worked well for our church. Men who exhibit the qualities described in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, and who have a record of ministry at FBC, are invited to consider service as Elder.
The Finance Committee supervises the handling of all FBC monies — collecting and disbursing funds, keeping related books and records, executing contracts, preparing the annual budget, and auditing. The Finance Committee is composed of two Elders (one of whom is the Chair of the Finance Commission of the Board of Elders), a Trustee, and the Church Treasurer. Each member serves for a renewable term of one year.
FBC has a history of excellent financial accountability and responsibility. A key part of this is the open annual calendar-year budget — derived from budget requests by staff, boards, and ministry heads; approved by the Board of Elders; included in the annual report; shared with the congregation in topline fashion throughout the year; and available for legitimate inquiry at all times.
In 2025, our elders are: Rick Bush, Neil Erickson, Todd Geist, Southy Grinalds (chairman), Ryan Hutson, James Kenniv, Mark Lopez, Steve Mary, Brian Mullholand, Sam Ng, Dan Price, Keith Ray, Ron Ruppersburg, Steve Simpson, Henry Van den Berg, and Scott Wyckoff. Henry van den Berg serves as President of the Corporation.
Rick Bush Executive Pastor & Elder Neil Erickson Elder Todd Geist Elder Southy Grinalds Elder Ryan Hutson Elder James Kenniv Associate Pastor of Worship and Media Arts & Elder Mark Lopez Associate Pastor of Student Ministries & Elder Steve Mary Elder Brian Mullholand Elder Sam Ng Elder Dan Price Elder Keith Ray Elder Ron Ruppersburg Elder Steve Simpson Elder Henry Van den Berg Elder Scott Wyckoff ElderFaith Bible Church - 2025 Shepherding Elder Board